If the interval set the symmetric scale also repeats itself
in an exact manner over the entire sound spectrum then we can describe these
scales as both cyclists and symmetric. For practical scales there are two
closely related octatonic scales that would satisfy this definition. These are
generated by the interval sets O1=[12211221] and O2=[21122112]. In the
investigation of the properties of these two scales we are going to define S as
the "tonic" of a scale which is simply the starting tone. S will take
on the values 0, to 11 which corresponds to the 12 tones of the tempered scale
with C=0. The only operation were going to use is transposition represented by
T number of semitones. We can define any octatonic scale by the 4-member set X
of the tones that are not present in the scale.
If we investigate O1 generated scales, we observed that if S is even then the members of the set X are also even and if S is odd then the members of X are also odd. Suppose the scale is transposed by T; if S is odd and T is even then X is odd. Similarly, if both are odd or even then X is even and if one is odd the other is even then X is odd. Using this information we can generate a table of X sets for each starting tone.
The generation of such a table has surprising results mixed
with the obvious:
a) We need only 6 X sets to cover the entire 12 tones.
b) Any tone
transposed by six semitones has the identical set X.
c) No special techniques would be required to use the results.
1. The generating sets for O1 scales:
and 6 2
4 8 10
and 8 0
4 6 10
and 10 0
2 6 8
and 7 3 5 9 11
and 9
1 5 7 11
and 11 1 3 7 9
Suppose we would like
to generate the CSS for F#. F# = 6 thus we have:
0 - 1 - 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 - 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11
C C#
D# F F#
è F# G A
B C C# D# F F#
It is as simple as that.
A close examination of the table suggests that with the use
of few accidentals we can manoeuvre over the entire set of harmonic
relationships with relative ease and smooth transition from one region
(tonality) to another. The reason for the ease in the transitions is the
additional shared members of some of the X sets. For example, 1 and 9 share 5 and
11. Therefore transposition from 1 to 9 would require moving C# to D# and G to
A, the rest of the notes stay the same. Here we note that if he transformation
is within the same class i,e, odd to odd and even to even, the transformation
would not be noticeable except for uncommonly attentive listeners, If
transformation is between classes, the contrast would be strong and it would be
very pronounced to be recognisable except for uncommonly tone deaf.
If we apply the same methods of calculating X sets for O2 we
find out that the two formulations are nearly the same except for O2 giving
opposite results for the odd even values of S. Therefore the transformations
and going from one to the other for the two scales could be reduced to the
table given below:
Table 1. The generating sets for O1 and O2 scales:
O1 O2 X
0 and
6 3 and
9 2 4
8 10
2 and
8 5 and 11 0
4 6 10
4 and
10 1
and 7 0
2 6 8
1 and
7 4
and 10 3
5 9 11
3 and
9 0
and 6 1
5 7 11
5 and 11
2 and
8 1
3 7 9
One might be tempted to say that O2 is obtained from O1 by
minor 3rd transposition. But, we will resist the temptation and
discuss a composition application.
An example of the use of both cyclic symmetric scales is available
This composition process did not require any special adjustments
for my normal routine except that I paid closer attention to the rhythmic
structure. The harmonic structure more or less fell into to the rhythmic frame
work. Initially, selecting a harmonic flow required by the flow of the music
called for considerable amount of piano time but eventually it was possible to
compose as I usually do directly to the paper. As a demonstration, the piano
piece was necessarily kept simple in many aspects. However having used the
scales once, I feel that it has considerable dramatic potential and it is
intuitive in the sense that it covers by
and large, a well-travelled ground by many
20th/21st century
musicians. The outcome, as you will hear in the example piece, can be as
traditional as one chooses to make it so. On the other hand there is no
limitation in generating very interesting harmonic structures – of course this
depends on the composer's choices.
As always we would be more than happy to answer any questions on
the above.
Looking at this in terms of pitches and groups that means that the subset of O1 is found in transposition 6 times within the scale, so that on C,C',D', F, F',G, A, B (C), we have 0268 formed on C', D', F, G, A and B. The pitches that don't support 0268 are C and F'. If not obvious at the start this scale is super rich in whole tone references. That must open up the possibilities of musical play for some of our readers.
ReplyDeleteThat is an excellent explanation and clarification. I would be very surprised if an example composition using either scale is not buried somewhere in the 1875 - 2016 musical literature. If one of our readers know of one, please let us know. It would be very much appreciated.