Thursday, 23 March 2017

Topics covered in the first hundred blogs

Looking for a simple way to locate topics covered in the blogs? As the first hundred blogs cover only four sheets on the Google blogger we have divided the material into four categories: Composers, Music and Psychology, Musical characteristics and Helping Novice composers.
Feedback and suggestions for improving on this format are welcome!

Webern – order and flexibility / Webern lectures / Webern, repetition // Messiaen: Et Expecto Resurrectionem Mortuorum //
Lili Boulanger “Pie Jesu” // George Crumb “Vox Balaenae” // Takemitsu “Les Yeux Clos II” / Takemitsu Art v. architecture

The mode of limited transposition // R. V. Williams 6th symphony // Nielsen 5th symphony (the simplicity of)
George Sollazzi – overview of style // Jeff Lade – overview of style // Satie “Vexations” / Gnossienne 1 // Frank Bridge Sea Idyll,
Lament and Winter Pastoral / Frank Bridge Piano sonata analysis // British music of the 20th century (full PDF) / Chopin:  So you want to write ‘beautiful’ music

Beethoven sonata in D (Architecture v. form) // Mozart rhythmic design (piano sonata K.309) / Rhythmic design in Mozart's piano sonata VII K.309 and Beethoven's Op.110
Links to G+ composer’s works (open invitation to add works) / 6 works and links (examples of G+ composer works)

Music and Psychology:

Creativity and aging / Be serious for a minute / Time Travel and music / Laughter / Repetition and brain worm
Music and the incubation period / Creating and experiencing emotional responses / Musical cues

Chunking and musical attention / further questions on attention / Motivation and musical experience /
What motivates you to write music? / Does your music target the right audience? / Deciphering musical codes / Music for meditation?
Why do we derive pleasure from listening? / Why do we listen to difficult music? / Why write difficult music?
Is human ‘messiness’ better than a synthetic performance? / What is wrong with synthetic music performances?

Musical characteristics:

Alternative approaches to rhythm 1 and 2 / Complex rhythms / Verbs of physical action / Relationships (pitch and rhythm)
The curious case of cyclic symmetric octaves / Nurtan Esmen thoughts on polytonality / Climax / Bitonality and Polytonality /
Symmetric scales (link to PDF) / Using 01 and 02 scales / Processes of transformation / Silence is dead…long live silence /
Harmony, sound colour and Beyond / A rose by any other name / Zen and the composer’s voice / Japanese aesthetics 2 / A
sampler of Japanese music / Jack of all trades? The synthesiser / The contest between live and synthetic sounds /
10 popular songs that deserve study / Bells and repetition / Minimal music past and present / The Tao of musical intentions /

Helping novice composers:

First steps in orchestration / Investigation into folksong (full PDF) / Composers tool box: Composition fault finder / The Zen of
Musical Reasoning / Walkthrough “Zen of Musical Reasoning” / Composer’s toolbox – size matters / Composer’s toolbox – How   to find your muse /
Deciphering musical codes / to compose is to be 3 times human / Where to go when I have run out of ideas 1 and 2 /
Parallel 5ths / Invitation, make a recording of this graphic score / the composer’s perspective /
Composer’s toolbox graphic scores / selecting a brilliant title / word and text / ostinato / drones / dynamics
Inspiration / Preparing to write for String Quartet - 10 suggestions / Esmen an immortal love song, incorporating folk music into
a more complicated structure / An investigation of folksongs

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